Have I mentioned how much I love it that Rand talks? Some highlights from the last few days....
-- Aunt Katie and Miss Catherine came out for a lovely visit. Katie was wearing a blue shirt, and when Rand couldn't remember her name, he called her "the blue one."
-- This morning Rand and I were snuggling in bed. He said, "Guess what, mom?" "Guess what, Rand?" "Guess what, mom?" followed by a huge kiss.
-- We were reading Rand's new Babybug and it had a picture of an African-American family. Rand said, "They got a lot of chocolate on their hands!"
-- Last night we were talking about our upcoming trip to California to visit Grandpa and Grandma. Rand told me, "John calls you Elizabeth. You say, 'What, John?'"
Rand knows that I am a dog trainer and Werner is a teacher. Whenever I come home from dog training, Rand says, "Hi, mom! My mom's home! I missed you, mom! Mommy go train a dog! I love my mom!" It's very sweet and makes me feel quite adored.