Conversations with Rand
Scene: I'm eating some buffalo wings while surfing the internet.
Rand: "What's that? I want a taste!"
Me: "They're hot wings. You can try it but they're kind of spicy."
Rand tastes it. "That's yucky."
He wipes his hands on the keyboard and walks off.
Scene: Rand has been playing daddy's guitar. He walks over to me, still holding the pick, and starts strumming on my shirt.
Rand: "What music does mommy make?"
Me: "I don't know -- what?"
Rand: "Old McDonald!!"
He was out playing with bubbles on the porch earlier, and I could hear him talking to himself -- "Do you want some more? Why yes, thank you."
I bought my first piece of baby girl clothing last night -- this hat, only in light blue. This is going to be fun!

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