The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day!

We had a fun Memorial Day with the Wotherspoons -- we took the lightrail downtown to the baseball stadium where we watched the Diamondbacks play the Padres. It was Rand's first official baseball game and I think he enjoyed it. Of course, the playground, the kids baseball field, and the ice cream probably helped. Rand and I even got on the stadium TV at one point, which was fun.

On the lighrail
Ella peers over at the big kids

Watching the game

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy girl!

Ella is 10 months old and is still an incredibly happy little girl. She has six teeth and two more on the way, can fake cough, and says "mama," "dada," and "quack."

She eats a whole banana for breakfast, gobbles up watermelon, and just plain loves food. She can sign "all done." Ella likes to stand up and scootch along the furniture, so I don't think walking is too far away. She enjoys swimming and baths and likes splashing the best. She still adores her binkie and gives great hugs.

Ella loves listening to music, especially when Rand sings to her. Daddy is the best at putting her to bed, and she's currently taking two naps a day. She sleeps about 12 hours at night, but her teeth make sure that she (and mom) get plenty of interrupted sleep.
Ella loves watching the dogs, but is not so sure about horses. Rand was petting one the other day while I was holding Ella. When Buck moved his nose over to sniff Ella, she tried to climb up onto my head like a monkey. She is such a sweet girl and we adore having her around.

Friday, May 15, 2009

No Respect.

Last night I was recounting to Rand the fruit that I had bought at the grocery store. "Well, Rand, I got watermelon, and strawberries, and bananas, and apples, and blackberries."

Rand: "I don't like apples anymore."
Me: "Okay. How come?"
Rand: "I just don't respect them."

Friday, May 08, 2009


Rand had his first bonafide nightmare last! He's woken up crying/screaming before, but never articulated anything. We were awakened at 4am to Rand screaming, "OTTO WENT DOWN THE DRAIN!!!! HE'S GONE FOREVER!!!"

Otto was so not happy about being woken up and dragged into Rand's room so Rand could verify that Otto did still exist.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Siblings! Or, I Like Having Two Children Because They Amuse Each Other.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Rand was very impressed the first time he saw Ella standing. "Mom, Ella can stand now! She can stand!" It was quite cute. She pulls herself up on everything in sight now -- I'm sure she'll be scooting around pretty soon.

She stands on her tip-toes a lot (something that I wasn't able to get a photo of). Uncle John calls her "Ella Ballerina" and I think that's pretty appropriate.

And aren't these great pants?!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I promise, she really did love her bath.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Ella's dedication

We had Ella dedicated at our church yesterday. It was very special because the pastor who dedicated her was also the one who married us (thanks, Pastor Chris!). My parents and Margie and John were able to come out, and my Dad also prayed over Ella. She slept halfway through her dedication but woke up when we handed her over to Chris. Then she kind of blinked and glared at us until we were done.

Afterwards we went back to our house and had a delicious lunch. I don't have any pictures of the actual dedication, but hopefully Aunt Margie will get those to me soon. We did get a couple of her in her special dress from Aunt Pam the Great with Grandpa and Grandma, though!