The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Visiting the Great-Grandparents!

Grandpa and Grandma Fisher drive out from Indiana every winter to soak up the Arizona sun in Apache Junction, a little less than an hour away. I've taken the kids out twice in the last couple of weeks to spend the day visiting and playing with them. Rand and Ella have had a wonderful time, and I feel so blessed that my kids can know their great-grandparents.

Grandpa and Ella meeting for the first time

Rand thought their reclining chairs were fascinating.

Grandpa and Rand on the merry-go-round at the local park

Grandma hasn't lost her knack for rocking babies to sleep!

On a hike at Tonto National Forest

Hmmmm....which way to go?

Rand examining the "green stuff" on a rock

Rest Time.

Highlight of the trip -- throwing rocks in a creek!

Rand got completely soaked and rode home in his underwear and ate fig newtons.

Grandpa and Ella

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just because.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A glimpse into Rand's mind....

One of the things I love about doing "school" with Rand is that it gives me new ideas on games and things to play with him. Last week we started playing the "I'm thinking of...." game -- you know, the one where you think of something and give the other person clues.

It is so funny learning about how Rand sees the world! When I gave him the clue of "it's something that flies in the sky" (an airplane), he guessed clouds, then a rocket, and then airplanes. For "something you sit in" (a chair), he guessed a bumbo seat, followed by "an eating chair."

"Banana" was the answer to one of the first questions -- and ever since then, when it's his turn to give the clues, he'll say, "I'm thinking of....bananas!!" And then laugh hysterically.
We also were talking about parts of the face....Rand clearly knows all of the parts, but then we started talking about what each thing was for. It was great hearing him put into words what eyes are for ("for blinking....and looking...and stuff like that"). When I asked what you used your nose for, he promptly replied, "To make snot."

As I'm typing this, Rand is lying in bed, supposedly trying to sleep. He just came out a minute ago and said, "Mom, I need a break." From sleeping? "Yes. I really need a break."

Werner took Rand to ride Phoenix's new light rail yesterday, and Rand had a fabulous time riding it.

This is Rand with his newest and greatest engine. You don't want to know how many times he pushed it back and forth on that section of train track. There is one part where the track intersects the sidewalk, and Rand just plugged right along -- he'd wait for the people to go by, then keep on crawling and saying, "Choo choo!", oblivious to the stares.


Ahem. Did I say that Ella was getting one tooth? Just kidding, she's getting two teeth! Sleep is way overrated, anyways.

Ella has been enjoying her toes recently. She has pretty darn cute feet, so I can't blame her for being fascinated with them.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ella Update

It's hard to believe that Miss Ella is almost 6 months old! She started getting her first tooth this week....we are calling her an overachiever as Rand was 8 months old before he got a single tooth. I'm glad there is an explanation for why my formerly-great-sleeper is waking up so much at night.

She loves her binky and playing in her new exersaucer and grabbing everything in sight. She's a great napper and rapidly outgrowing all of her 3-6 month outfits. Ella discovered her toes last week and is getting veryveryvery close to rolling from back-to-front. She is super social with lots to say about everything.

Ella has a great little giggle and is very ticklish. She also thinks sneezes and Rand jumping are hilarious. She is turning into a true Momma's Girl, which is both flattering and exasperating.

She still loves to ride in her sling and watch the world go by. She's also good about riding in the car now, hurray! She rarely fusses in the car and is happy to play with her toys and watch her brother make silly faces at her. Ella has the biggest grin and is just such a sweet baby -- we are really enjoying her!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rand's first movie

Rand watched his first full-length movie last night: Wall-E. Werner had to be out late, so Rand and Ella and I made a cake and watched a movie. It was a perfect movie for him since there wasn't a scary villan, like Shere Khan or Monstro. Rand loved it and promptly asked to watch it again when the movie finished and I said that no, he couldn't watch it again tonight but perhaps tomorrow....and then tears and screaming and tantrums and a spanking followed. But the movie was lots of fun. I don't think Rand stopped talking for more than 2 or 3 seconds at a time, so it brought back great memories of watching movies with my family when I was a teenager with much younger siblings.

One of our neighbors gave Rand a huge chocolate Santa for Christmas. Rand was practically giddy just looking at it!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Beach pictures....from Thanksgiving

Better late than never, right?

Right from the start, Rand was excited about going to the beach!

At first, Rand just wanted to hold Grandpa's hand and barely get his feet wet. By the end of the morning, they were waaaay out in the water -- Grandpa was carrying Rand and letting the waves splash them. Didn't get a picture of that, alas.
Ella also got her first ocean experience! The water was pretty cold but she didn't cry at all. She was very intent and focused on watching the ocean.

Castle building time!

Ella was exhausted from all of the mental stimulation.

We love the beach!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years! It has been an annoying couple of days due to (still) no hot water and Werner's car is (still) broken and our whole family is (still) sick. But we're trying to keep perspective, knowing that things could be a LOT worse.

Rand and Ella and I had a very pleasant New Year's Eve....we made hot chocolate and played Candyland and a new Thomas game that Rand got for Christmas. Then we all snuggled in bed and watched the ball drop and pretended like it was midnight instead of 10pm. I told Rand, "Happy New Years!" and he said, "Why, thank you!"

This morning we made banana pancakes with sausage and whipped cream, watched the Rose Parade, then went to the train park for the day. We are very blessed with our wonderful family and friends and wish everyone a Happy New Year!