The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What we've been up to!

Well, first we moved from our teeny little condo to a huge beautiful 3400 square foot house on 1.5 acres. We are loving it! The kids are practically living outside and we had ten dogs stay for Christmas and never felt crowded!

Then, of course, we celebrated Christmas with a quick trip to California. It was great fun to see everyone and spend Christmas with our families.

We have been back for five days and tomorrow the kids and I head back to California again for a friend's wedding. Hopefully after that life will start to get into more of a routine.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

The kids and I spent Thanksgiving in California, which is always lovely. We left on Thursday morning and arrived just in time for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with all of our family members. On Friday, per Rand's request, we went to the beach. The boys braved the cold water while the girls stayed huddled up on the sand.

Then we went rock climbing!
We spent Friday afternoon at with some good friends, took a walk alongside the railroad tracks, and had delicious potato soup for supper.
We had lots of fun with Katie's little boy, Elijah. Rand loved giving him hugs and Ella played keep away with the toys.

Stairs are Elijah's nemesis.

Ella helped Grandpa do some yardwork.

On Sunday we went to the park!

We headed out bright and early on Monday morning -- thankfully we made the trip in under six hours both times!