Stuff stuff stuff
Lots of excitement going on at the Girard house recently!
Werner got his Father's Day present early -- he's been wanting dreadlocks for ages and Rand was going to 'give' them to daddy for Father's Day. However, this meant that Werner's hair has been getting longer and longer and longer and more scruffy looking! So, I asked how he would feel about getting his Father's Day present early, and Werner jumped at the chance. This is Stage One and they actually look kind of cool.

Baby girl is officially and definitely a baby girl! We finally got around to getting our second ultrasound and were assured that there was no doubt. Good timing, too, as so far I have one baby girl outfit and approximately 75 days until she arrives. We have picked out our super-cool double stroller and our co-sleeper, and thanks to Rand's baby things, we are in pretty good shape. They did a quick 3-D peek as well and she looks suspiciously like Rand.
Winnie the Bull Terrier has boomeranged back to me again and is looking for a home for real this time. If you know anybody who wants a sweet, goofy little dog, just let me know!
Rand surprised me at nap time by telling me that he wanted to read me his books -- and he actually did a great job reciting the stories pretty much word for word. He is really starting to get interested in reading and is constantly asking, "What's that spell? What's that spell?"
Next thing you know, he will really be reading. The first step to reading is memorizing. I can't wait to see you in a month.
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