The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fun times!

More funny things....
Rand has started giving himself permission when he asks us for something. He will come over to us and ask something like, "Can I go color?" then promptly answer himself, "Okay."

We were FINALLY able to get him new Crocs. His last ones were getting really, really small, but he only wanted new red crocs. Apparently stores out here still think it's winter even though it's 85 degrees -- I found black crocs, but Rand's response was, "Don't like them." It took a couple of weeks, but at last we found red crocs at Target.

My kisses are no longer magic. If Rand gets hurt, he'll ask me to kiss his owie. Lately he's started telling me that "it still hurts" after I've kissed it.
Rand's been calling me "Mom" instead of "Mommy." He routinely says things like, "Hi, mom!" or "Look, mom!" or "Stop, mom!" It sounds so grown-up coming out of his mouth.
Rand has discovered bugs. He likes to try to catch them all and pick them up. Fun!

Favorite activities include playing in the sink, looking at the coffee maker, and finding pennies.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Broken heads

When Rand does something a little too brave for my taste, like jumping on the bed, or trying to walk on the top of the couch, I tell him to stop or else he's going to break his head.

Rand was in his room last night, winding down by playing quietly by himself. I hear the "hurt cry" coming from his room, and go in to check on him. He's lying on the floor by the bed. "What happened?" I ask. "I fell off the bed!" he cries. "I broke my head!"

Not a bruise on him, of course (yay for toddler beds), but at least he knows the consequences of jumping on the bed.

And yes, thank you, potty training is going extremely well. He wears underwear all the time now, even when we go out, and stays dry 95% of the time. Except when Daddy forgets to take him potty. But that's another story.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Haircut time!

Once again, people started saying, "What a cute little girl!" -- and then we know that it's past time for Rand to get a haircut.



Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Yep, he's my son.

Have you ever seen a 2-year-old hoard stickers like this?

Both of these sheets have been around for weeks, if not months. But instead of taking the stickers off and putting them all over the house, Rand likes to look at his train stickers. And admire them. And point out their various features.

I really shouldn't be surprised -- I had a whole boxful of stickers when I was a little kid. And don't even start on my candy box....I'd still be eating Easter candy when Halloween came around. Nobody can say that we don't know how to delay instant gratification!