Time flies!
Life keeps moving along here!
Rand continues to make us laugh with all of his unique words and phrases. He told us the other day that the sun comes up because he yawned really big. He asks us frequently if we remember something -- "Member that train, mom? Member?" He also says "bump it over" instead of knock it over and loves it when we address his trains instead of him -- "Thomas, you need to play nicely!"
I started doing Calvert's preschool curriculum with him and it's working out beautifully. We don't do it every day, but the nice thing is that it's structured so it's not a big deal if we only do "school" two or three times a week.
We went to a birthday party last weekend where Rand saw his first pinata. It was a slightly traumatic experience, but he survived and is still talking about "that guy" (Buzz Lightyear) and how you hit it hard and candy falls out.
Ella had her one-month doctor appointment, and she's now up to 10lbs 8oz as of August 25th! I knew she was getting big, but to gain 3lbs in a little over a month was surprising. She's already starting to outgrow some of her cute clothes. She's starting to smile at us and has the sweetest little dimples.
We had a lovely surprise visit from my mom, Margie, and John on the 19th -- it was so nice to celebrate John's 11th birthday and Ella's one-month birthday with them!