The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Three weeks!

It's hard to believe that Ella has already been here three weeks -- it's so cliche, but time is flying by! She is growing bigger and stronger every day. During tummy time this week she rolled over onto her back, but I think that must've been a fluke. She is sleeping great, although she prefers to be held or (eeeks!) be on her tummy rather than on her back. Ella normally eats at 11:30pm, then goes until about 3am and wakes up around 6:30am. How lucky am I?!

Werner has had a busy week full of meetings and preparing for school to start; his actual first day is on Monday. Rand is still being a really good big brother and so gentle with Ella, but his "good listening" ears are disappearing. Hopefully this phase will be over sometime in the near future! We've tried to go somewhere fun just about every day (to friends' houses, the mall playground, the park, a super cool museum, etc) this week and I'm crossing my fingers that my efforts will pay off soon.

We were so lucky to have Aunt Katie and Uncle Dustin come out last weekend for a visit. Rand had a wonderful time learning lots of cool songs from Katie. We spent an afternoon in Old Town Scottsdale and the Scottsdale Fashion Square and finished up the day with "Arrested Development" and chinese food. We had a really nice time with them and they both got lots of practice holding babies.


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