Busy week!
Lots of things happening here, but not much time, so here's the cliff note's version:
1. Werner has survived his first week of school! He really likes all of his classes and stays very, very busy.
2. Ella is growing and growing. It's hard to believe she'll be 4 weeks old tomorrow. She does really well at holding her head up and makes the sweetest little cooing noises. She's getting chubbier and I'm finding new little fat rolls all over the place. We started her in cloth diapers this week since we were spending a small fortune on disposables. She is still very easy going and peaceful and just loves to be held -- I mean, honestly, she has spit up three times in her whole life! How chill is that?
3. Rand started school this week! We ordered Calver's preschool curriculum, and he was super excited when the box arrived with all kinds of cool things inside. Most days only consist of 3-4 activities (a story, craft, game, etc) so it works very well with our schedule. I'm not doing it daily, just when we don't have anything else planned, and we're having fun with it.
4. At naptime the other day, Rand stayed in bed for nearly two hours without falling asleep. After two hours of, "I can get up now?" followed by, "NO!", I went in, handed him his clock, and showed him that when this hand reached this number, he could get up. I went back in at the appointed time, and he had fallen asleep, holding said clock. Silly boy.
5. I had my first dog training lesson this week since Ella was born. It went very well and it was nice to be out doing my own thing for a couple of hours. Ella took to a bottle easily and they both had a great time staying with Leah.
6. Ella at the park. It was still pretty bright outside, so she was not keen on opening her eyes. Her eyes are definitely starting to turn brown.
7. Ella got her first real bath this week! She hated it so badly I didn't even stop to take a picture, poor thing. 
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