More funny things....
Rand has started giving himself permission when he asks us for something. He will come over to us and ask something like, "Can I go color?" then promptly answer himself, "Okay."
We were FINALLY able to get him new Crocs. His last ones were getting really, really small, but he only wanted new red crocs. Apparently stores out here still think it's winter even though it's 85 degrees -- I found black crocs, but Rand's response was, "Don't like them." It took a couple of weeks, but at last we found red crocs at Target.
My kisses are no longer magic. If Rand gets hurt, he'll ask me to kiss his owie. Lately he's started telling me that "it still hurts" after I've kissed it.
Rand's been calling me "Mom" instead of "Mommy." He routinely says things like, "Hi, mom!" or "Look, mom!" or "Stop, mom!" It sounds so grown-up coming out of his mouth.
Rand has discovered bugs. He likes to try to catch them all and pick them up. Fun!
Favorite activities include playing in the sink, looking at the coffee maker, and finding pennies.