The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!
Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Okay then....
Me: "Rand, how's your graham cracker?"
Rand: "Pretty."
Me: "Okay, Rand, you take off your shirt and I'll be right back."
[leave and then return]
Rand, struggling with his shirt: "Help! Can't open it!"
Friday, November 09, 2007
I woke up this morning to a shower of Mike and Ike's candy being poured on my head as I lay on Rand's floor. Good times!
Last night I went to my first business mixer, thrown by our local Washington Mutual. It was great! There weren't a lot of people there, and two of the "small business owners" were actually MLM people (it was hilarious seeing them go head-to-head about how much better they were than the other guy), but I met some really nice people and made a few good contacts. The nice thing about dog training is that everybody knows somebody who needs their dog trained.
I also won two prizes and came home with $20 in Starbucks gift cards, $20 worth of movie gift certificates, and a whole bunch of candy. Which leads to the Mike and Ike's. I sent most of the candy off to Werner's school, but ate a few of the M&Is and left them in a safe (ha!) place on my dresser. Rand's had a cold the last few days so he has been waking up a lot at night. I finally gave up at 3am about sleeping in my own bed and camped out on his floor.
Apparently I was a lot more tired than I thought, since I didn't hear Werner leave or Rand get up. What a mom, huh? Somehow Rand found the candy, sampled it, and thought it was so delicious that he wanted to share it with me. So he poured it on my head, shrieking, "Candy! Stuck in teeth!"
Such a lovely way to start the morning!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
More Halloween!
On Halloween night, we decided to keep with the Fisher family tradition and go to a Harvest Festival at a local church. Our church doesn't do anything for Halloween, so we found a great church nearby. It had a ton of rides and games, food, and candy! Rand ended up being too young for just about everything, but we still had a nice time looking at everybody else's costumes and the exciting rides.
Reason #48271 why Rand is his daddy's child: I got some cotton candy for Rand since he'd never had it before. What kid doesn't like cotton candy, right? Nope -- Rand tried a taste, said he didn't like it, and practically screamed when I tried to offer it to him again. But when Werner got a hamburger, that boy was all over it.

This is Rand going, "Oh my goodness mom did you see that?!?!"
Rand kept saying that he wanted to ride on the ponies, but when we went over to the horse he started climbing up me like a monkey and yelling, "No! no! no!" Obviously he didn't get the horse gene from mommy! This was the fearsome beast that we wanted him to ride:
The petting zoo was a big hit. There was a Miniature Horse, goats, chickens, a donkey, sheep, and a little calf (sooo soft!).
But the highlight of the evening? A dirt pile. Sigh.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Our little astronaut

Monday, November 05, 2007
Pumpkin carving!

This is Rand scooping out the pumpkin seeds! He was kind of grossed out by it and would scoop it with a spoon but wouldn't touch the pumpkin guts.
He liked taking the pumpkin's "lid" on and off.

Hmmmm. Let me see how mom did.

He approves!