First Word!
Ella said her first word yesterday...."Dada!" And it's not just babbling, it's her first honest-to-goodness word. Werner feels very loved.
Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.
Ella said her first word yesterday...."Dada!" And it's not just babbling, it's her first honest-to-goodness word. Werner feels very loved.
Scene: sitting at the table, ready to eat dinner.
We had a lovely time meeting the newest member of the Fisher/Guenther family, baby Elijah!
Ella is officially not a baby anymore. Yesterday she was playing on the bathroom floor, grabbed ahold of the bathtub, and pulled herself up to a standing position, plopped down, and did it three more times! We promptly set up the crib and packed away the co-sleeper. She loved the crib and looks so tiny sleeping in the middle of it.
Ella loves music and "sings" along. She crawls a couple steps at a time, and is very good about rolling and scootching all over the floor. She thinks the dogs are so funny and laughs whenever you make animal noises. She rides in the seat of the shopping cart and thinks that's just grand.
We spent a lovely Easter day yesterday with some friends from church....lots of food, games, and even an Easter egg hunt for the kids! Rand woke up to a basket full of candy, fruit leather, and his first movie: Wall-E. He was so excited!
Did you know that we had a huge lake about an hour away from us? I sure didn't. When our cousins Bethany and Haley came out to visit Grandpa and Grandma, we went on a riverboat ride around Canyon Lake. It was a beautiful day and the view was so different than our typical cactus and rocks!