The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Riverboat Ride

Did you know that we had a huge lake about an hour away from us? I sure didn't. When our cousins Bethany and Haley came out to visit Grandpa and Grandma, we went on a riverboat ride around Canyon Lake. It was a beautiful day and the view was so different than our typical cactus and rocks!

Ella in her lifejacket. Isn't she cute? It was more like a straitjacket since she couldn't turn her head or suck her thumb, but she was a sweetheart and didn't put up a fuss.

Rand loved watching the water go by.

Grandma has the magic touch and got Ella to take a nap. She had her own built-in pillow.

After the boat ride, we had a picnic by the lake. Rand had a great time throwing rocks in the water!


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