The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ella Update

It's hard to believe that Miss Ella is almost 6 months old! She started getting her first tooth this week....we are calling her an overachiever as Rand was 8 months old before he got a single tooth. I'm glad there is an explanation for why my formerly-great-sleeper is waking up so much at night.

She loves her binky and playing in her new exersaucer and grabbing everything in sight. She's a great napper and rapidly outgrowing all of her 3-6 month outfits. Ella discovered her toes last week and is getting veryveryvery close to rolling from back-to-front. She is super social with lots to say about everything.

Ella has a great little giggle and is very ticklish. She also thinks sneezes and Rand jumping are hilarious. She is turning into a true Momma's Girl, which is both flattering and exasperating.

She still loves to ride in her sling and watch the world go by. She's also good about riding in the car now, hurray! She rarely fusses in the car and is happy to play with her toys and watch her brother make silly faces at her. Ella has the biggest grin and is just such a sweet baby -- we are really enjoying her!


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