Last night I had the lovely surprise of finding our living room carpet soaked with water. After an emergency call to the property management company, we concluded that we have a burst pipe underneath the house. So there was lots of moving furniture around -- since it was 11pm on Friday night (when else would a pipe break?), Rand slept through the whole thing.
This morning we were still in bed when we heard Rand come out of his room and into the living room. He said, "Mom, did you do all this?" I said yep. He said, "Wow, it looks wonderful." Such a positive kid.
This afternoon I took the kids with me to deliver cookies with my Special Olympics team. They were giving cookies to all of the neighbors. Rand had a great time and ate a million cookies and got tons of attention. He called the whole group of kids "my friends," as in, "Mom, let's go catch up with my friends!" or "I need to go check on my friends."
Other things he has recently said:
"Mom, you look good enough to eat." (Not sure where that one came from.)
He asked Werner what time it was, and Werner said it was eight o'clock. "Ate the clock? Why did you eat the clock, Daddy?"
I told him that he looked good in stripes, and he replied, "Mom, you don't wear stripes. You wear shirts!"
Yesterday Rand started running in circles around the living room. We asked what he was doing and he said, "I'm a penny!" When we were at the mall a few days ago, we gave him pennies to drop down into those black hole things....where the penny goes around forever and then falls in the hole in the middle of the circle. He then proceeded to run in smaller and smaller circles until he was spinning in one spot. Then he plopped onto the ground and laughed hysterically.
And when I came upon this sight and asked what was going on, he informed me that the truck was driving through a lot of mud.

This is Rand playing on the wii fit. He loves the soccer ball game and cracks himself up when he gets hit in the head by the shoes or panda heads. He aims for them on purpose.

His favorite book is "Caps for Sale" and he loves to act out the book while you're reading it to him. He still is very snuggly and we love our 3-year-old. Even if he sometimes does this when you're trying to take his picture.