The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas comes early here....

This year, a couple of people in our house got their presents early, for various reasons. Miss Ella got a bumbo seat for Christmas -- this is something that I never used with Rand, but she loves it! Basically, if a baby can hold herself up, but not sit unassisted, this chair supports her and holds her in place. Ella really enjoys sitting in it and watching me fold laundry and Rand play. Much more fun than laying on the floor! I didn't want to save it until Christmas because a) Ella doesn't know about Chistmas and b) she can totally use it now.

Other present: Werner got his iPhone! My choices were to get him a gift card -- which, since Werner hates delayed gratification would have meant trekking to set it up the day after Christmas -- or to wait until just before Christmas to set it up. Again, not convenient, especially with my two little helpers. Part of the present was me dealing with the hassle of AT&T (a trip to the store, a loooong phone call to customer service, and an even longer visit to the Apple store). But I got the discounted price, and it is working, and he loves it, and I adore Apple. Their employees rock. Werner has been having tons of fun with his new toy and is definitely getting his money's worth out of the unlimited data plan.


Blogger Jane Petrak said...

In my day we added wheels and it was called a "walker". My kids lived in theirs. First they learned to scoot backwards in them -then forward and got out when they started walking.They could also sit up and play in it and not go anywhere. Then the powers that be decided they were dangerous- I never knew anyone who's kid got hurt but oh well Ella looks like she's enjoying her wheel-less walker ( AKA bumbo). Have fun sweet baby girl!

12:22 PM PST  
Blogger Jane Petrak said...

I meant whose

12:23 PM PST  

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