Must start watching my mouth....
.....because Rand is starting to imitate everything! This last week he has said, out of the blue:
Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.
.....because Rand is starting to imitate everything! This last week he has said, out of the blue:
A couple weeks ago we found the BEST little donut shop right next to Werner's school. It's family-owned and very small, but the donuts are delicious. We've been stopping there once a week after we drop Werner off at work, and Rand thinks that donuts are one of the greatest things ever. He always chooses one with sprinkles. He doesn't like to eat his donut in the car and will hold it very carefully until we get home. Doesn't he look happy?
Grandpa got to go to the Sundance Film Festival last month and got a great souvenir for Rand....the moment he opened it he wanted to try it on, hence the clothes underneath!
Rand L-O-V-E-S his watercolor set from Aunt Katie. So much, in fact, that we need to go buy some more as he's scraping the bottom on most of the colors. One of his favorite things to do is sit and paint and paint and paint.
Rand's newest game is to try and quiz Werner and me about colors and animals and such. He'll come in holding a red truck, and ask us, "Is the truck blue?" When we say, "No!" he laughs and laughs. Then he'll ask, "Is the truck purple?" Usually by the second time, he can't stand the anticipation and answers his own question: "Noooo!" This can go on and on, using all of the colors of the rainbow, before he'll ask, "Is the truck red? Yes!!"