The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


But since it falls unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and softly call
Goodnight and joy be with you all.

Various pictures

John and Rand at the neighborhood Easter Egg hunt

Mommy and Rand

Rand lookin' all spiffy for Easter

My trusty co-pilots, Rand and his Uncle Doug

Easter Egg Hunt

Rand had his first Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday. I put two m&m's in each egg and tossed them in plain sight on the grass. Once he figured out how to open the first one, there was no stopping him! He was upset when there were no more eggs for him to open, so he started begging candy from his uncle and aunt.

Presenting....Spider Boy!

Yep, sometimes I'm a lazy mommy. This was Rand's Halloween costume. It was a very dark, cold night and we didn't take any pictures. I was packing up his outgrown clothes last week and found this, so we took some photos today. He had a great time!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Biking buddies!

Rand got bored riding in his bike trailer, so we got him a little seat to go on the back of Werner's bike. When Werner got home from work today, Rand went over to the bike and said, "More, more!" Werner was so charmed he took him for a ride.

I bought Rand a Magna Doodle at Wal-Mart last night. Best 88 cents I ever spent in my life! He has so much fun coloring on it and then erasing it. And it doesn't color anywhere walls...or clothes...or desks...or the dog....!

Rand's afternoon read like a page out of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." We went to Costco and three banks (mystery shops), and there was food everywhere we went! On Wednesday, Rand ate two cookies, seven goldfish crackers, one cup of lemonade, one brownie, one taquito, one cup of nectarine juice, one granola bar, and one waffle with maple syrup. Mehopes that the stomach ache part does not apply.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo....

To celebrate my birthday, Rand and I went to the zoo with Melissa and Bella. It was awesome! We had so much fun that we bought season passes. It was really geared towards kids. The highlights of Rand's trip were the petting zoo and the water play area. I liked the squirrel monkey "aviary" -- you could get right up close to the monkeys with no bars in the way!

Rand loved the petting zoo. There were lots of goats and he walked up to just about every one, pointed at it, and said, "Goat!" or "Meeehhh!" He liked petting them as long as mom was holding him.

Rand also liked watching other kids play in water.

Rand is brave, but Bella isn't quite so sure.

Oops! Rand bent over to touch the holes at the same time the water came out. He wasn't too happy at first, but he dried out and recovered nicely. Next time we'll bring bathing suits.

This is how you know that it was a successful trip: