The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Biking buddies!

Rand got bored riding in his bike trailer, so we got him a little seat to go on the back of Werner's bike. When Werner got home from work today, Rand went over to the bike and said, "More, more!" Werner was so charmed he took him for a ride.

I bought Rand a Magna Doodle at Wal-Mart last night. Best 88 cents I ever spent in my life! He has so much fun coloring on it and then erasing it. And it doesn't color anywhere walls...or clothes...or desks...or the dog....!

Rand's afternoon read like a page out of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." We went to Costco and three banks (mystery shops), and there was food everywhere we went! On Wednesday, Rand ate two cookies, seven goldfish crackers, one cup of lemonade, one brownie, one taquito, one cup of nectarine juice, one granola bar, and one waffle with maple syrup. Mehopes that the stomach ache part does not apply.


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