Rand used to love going grocery shopping. I'd put him in his Baby Bjorn, and I wouldn't hear a peep out of him the whole time we were in the store. He loved looking at all the people and things. But ever since he has learned to walk, grocery shopping has become a royal pain. Rand doesn't want to ride in the cart, he wants to walk. Normally this isn't a problem -- I don't mind going slowly because really, what else do I have scheduled? At the grocery store, though, there are lots of things at Rand's eyelevel. Things that, in Rand's mind, are just begging to be pulled off the shelves and out of baskets and thrown on the floor. The only place that Rand can safely walk is in the freezer aisle. Let me repeat: grocery shopping with Rand is exhausting.
Last night we went out to do some shopping for Werner's party tonight. Rand's already having a hard time. I'm pushing the cart and carrying him under my arm and he's kicking and crying and having a fit. People are staring at me, but I'm figuring it's because my kid is throwing a temper tantrum. Then I hear a couple with a little baby saying, "Wow, what did that kid eat?" "No, honey, I think that's blood." I look to see who they're talking about, and of course -- they're looking at me. I look down, and Rand is covered in blood. Face, hands, hair, everywhere. I couldn't find where it was coming from, so I'm guessing he bit his tongue or cheek or lip or something. Of course, I had left the diaper bag in the car (because why would I need it in the grocery store?) but that couple was sweet enough to give me some of their wipes so I could clean him up. Rand wasn't acting hurt at all -- there is a big difference between his "hurt" cry and his "mad" cry and he was just plain mad. As soon as I put him on the floor so I could clean him up, he was all smiles and blowing kisses and waving at the nice couple. They thought it was pretty funny.
So people, if you ever see a tired mama with her bloody baby in the store, please don't think the worst and assume that she smacked her kid. She may just be oblivious.