The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Orion Comic

We're on an Orion kick over hereā€¦.this is a comic that Rand drew that he is sending to Uncle Thom.  I thought it was too cute to send off without saving a copy for myself.

Ella's Recipe

Step 1 - first cover the bottom with chocolate syrup
Step 2 - put 4 scoops of sugar in the bowl
Step 3 - stir it until it looks like chocolate syrup
Step 4 - put 4 more scoops of sugar
Step 5 - stir it
Step 6 - add some chocolate chips
Step 7 - stir it
Step 8 - make it look like chocolate syrup
Step 9 - mystery? (hint: it starts with "nut" and ends with "ella")