16 months
Sixteen months tomorrow -- our baby is definitely not a baby anymore! Ella can say:
Hi and Hello
Thank you
All done
Her favorite bath toys are two little dalmatians. She loves animals -- birds, dogs, cats, horses, goats -- and loves petting zoos. She is almost ready for her first haircut, only 8 months behind her brother. Ella never met a pair of shoes that she didn't want to try on. She loves to "talk" on her toy phone and tries to swipe my phone any chance she gets. She has been accidentally breaking it little by little for a couple of months now and tonight I think she killed it for good.
She doesn't want to drink out of sippy cups any more and eating is still one of her favorite things to do. Right now she's a big fan of craisens, pasta, and cheese. She also has a sixth sense if anyone around her is eating a dessert and not sharing with her. If you try to pick her up when she doesn't want to be held, she will scream dramatically and throw herself backwards.
Ella follows directions now, like "go get your baby doll" or "sit down here." Sometimes you'll tell her to go get something and she'll bring something else instead that is obviously wrong, like a shirt instead of shoes, then she'll laugh hysterically when she gives it to you. She is quite the dramatic little clown!