Summer is officially here. It is hot, of course, but even more significant is the fact that Rand has started both a Summer Reading Program and Swimming Lessons. So far Rand has read 26 books, gotten two prizes (a sticky frog and a smile buddy, both totally the educational types of toys I love having around), and had loads of fun putting the stickers on his little map.
Today was Day 3 (out of 9) swimming lessons and so far Rand has managed to not get in the water at all. He does sit very nicely on the edge of the water and listens to the instructor. He also recounts -- with great enthusiasm -- what "we" learned in class that day. "We learned how to do ice cream scoops, and float on our backs, and play red light green light!" He assures us that "maybe tomorrow" he will get in the water.
But that's okay, part of the reason I signed him up for swimming lessons in the first place was because he is rotten at participating in group activities. Swimming lessons are cheap, short, and conveniently located, and hopefully by the 9th day he'll at least have gotten in the pool.
The final reason we know summer is here? We've gone to Westgate a lot! Ella wants to be down and playing, even though her little knees get all red from crawling on the cement. Rand has switched from blue to green ice cream, and when some kind lady leaving Margaritaville offered Rand her spectacular hat, he said, "YES!!!" and even remembered to say thank you.