Ella is 10 months old and is still an incredibly happy little girl. She has six teeth and two more on the way, can fake cough, and says "mama," "dada," and "quack."
She eats a whole banana for breakfast, gobbles up watermelon, and just plain loves food. She can sign "all done." Ella likes to stand up and scootch along the furniture, so I don't think walking is too far away. She enjoys swimming and baths and likes splashing the best. She still adores her binkie and gives great hugs.
Ella loves listening to music, especially when Rand sings to her. Daddy is the best at putting her to bed, and she's currently taking two naps a day. She sleeps about 12 hours at night, but her teeth make sure that she (and mom) get plenty of interrupted sleep.
Ella loves watching the dogs, but is not so sure about horses. Rand was petting one the other day while I was holding Ella. When Buck moved his nose over to sniff Ella, she tried to climb up onto my head like a monkey. She is such a sweet girl and we adore having her around.