The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!
Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
We've had lots of great visits with relatives recently. On Sunday, Grandpa and Grandma Fisher, plus Aunt Pam, Uncle Greg, and their daughter Janae came by for dinner. We had a lovely time talking and eating (and Rand had fun playing football!). It's so nice to connect with family members!
No amazing photos; it was a little busy. But at least I got a few for posterity's sake.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Brave boy!
Until a month ago, Rand never wanted to climb up high on anything by himself. Not at the park, or McDonald's, or anywhere unless mom or dad climbed with him. But something clicked in his head a few weeks ago and now he is unstoppable! At parks he climbs all the way up the playset and slides down the big slides all by himself. It's so cute how proud he is of himself as he climbs up and he laughs and squeals all the way down.
Please note how his beloved black train comes along for the ride.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Beware: lots of photos!
Today was a beautiful, sunny morning so Rand and I spent some time playing outside. It's been COLD in the mornings recently, so it was nice to go outside without putting jackets on!
This is Mack. He looks very regal but he's a huge drama queen.
Rand has a funny look on his face because he is walking backwards. It takes lots of concentration!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Yesterday Rand and I were driving down the street. It was windy and we passed some palm trees blowing in the wind. Rand said, "Trees are wagging!"
Today I cut up apple slices for Rand to eat. He turned one slice over and said, "Look! A rainbow!"
On Thursday Rand went to stay at Bella's house while I trained a dog. They were watching Shrek when Bella's mom noticed that Rand was backing out of the room. She asked him what was wrong, and he said, "Shrek too scary. Watch Elmo instead." She thought that was hilarious and put in Elmo for him to watch.
I love having a kid that talks.