The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Birthday photos!

We started off Ella's birthday by making chocolate chip waffles, which were declared "YUMMY!" We didn't really have a party for her, but we did invite some friends over to celebrate. We had some of Ella's favorite foods for dinner (spaghetti, peas, and bread) and then had cake and "issss ceam" (ice cream). Ella wasn't quite sure what to do with the candles, but Rand was happy to help her blow them out.
Ella was completely spoiled by our friends. They got her a huge stuffed dog, a baby stroller, and some blinged-out shoes and jewelry. She loved them!

I painted her little toes for the first time. She chose purple, which ended up matching her new shoes beautifully.
We also kept up the tradition of decorating the birthday child's door. Rand picked out tootsie rolls, which were a little tricky to stick to the door -- hence the painter's tape. There were also a lot more candies on there until five little children each grabbed one!


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