To Summarize....
We had a great time in Indiana. I need to go through my photos so everyone can admire my darling children.
We are on Day 3 of No Binkies For Ella Unless She Is In Her Crib. We are also on Day 2 of Seriously I Need To Just Stop Being Lazy And Potty Train This Child. Both are going very well; alas, their success really depends on me doing my part and Ella goes along quite willingly.
Ella's new favorite word is "crocodile." She pronounces every syllable very precisely. She can also jump and skip, so she rarely walks anymore. When she is done eating, she says, "All done. Here, here!" and then proceeds to hand you every single thing in front of her, right down to her cup and placemat.
Rand had a wonderful week at VBS and is getting very excited for school to start in a couple more months. He has started getting an allowance and splits it into tithe, spending money, and savings. He is turning into an excellent helper -- he has cleaned his room several times without being prompted, pours milk for Ella, helps unload the dishwasher, and clears that table at meals.
Both of them love going swimming ("HIMMING!!!!!!" as Ella says) and would spend most of their day in the pool if I would let them. We have been playing a lot of games, like Candyland, Twister, Yahtzee, and Chutes and Ladders, which has been fun -- I need to get Uno, because Rand learned to play that in Indiana.
Summer has been very pleasant so far. Well, minus the tempture of 112 degrees.
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