The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Easter Videos

Yes, they're a month late....and the photos will be even later! Note: these videos unedited and probably of no interest to anybody except very, very immediate family.


I woke up to find that Ella had smeared red lipstick all over our bedspread and sheets, plus the carpet, bathroom rug, and her toybox, not to mention herself. WD40 removes red lipstick from said items.

We went to storytime at the library, which featured a real police officer. Rand raised his hand, was called on twice, and, in his excitement to ask the question, promptly forgot his question both times. His 3rd question was, "What should you do if a car crashes into your house?" followed by "What should you do if a car crashes into your gate?" I wonder what kind of parents that police officer thinks we are.

We made chocolate chip cookies.

Rand loves Peter Spier books right now, and I got "Noah's Ark" at the library. He examined every page in minute detail.

Ella can take off her own diaper and pants. This has results in some not-very-good things.

Day Two of our new Dirt Pile was fantastic. There was a scorpion in the middle of our bedroom floor (I think it may have fallen from the ceiling vent). We found a little red snake under a piece of wood and had fun watching it slither around. I think our bird in the carport has laid more eggs, as she is back to sitting on her nest again and dive-bombing our heads when we get too close.


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