The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Now you are two

Oh, Miss Ella, how did you get to be two so fast?

Your favorite phrases are:
"Let me do it."
"My turn!"
"Let me show you."
"I'm coming!"
"Look at me!"

You are almost potty-trained. You are very good about limiting your binkie to naptime and bedtime. You love books. You know the names of all the dogs that stay here. You love to play hide-and-seek. You want to do everything that Rand does.

You enunciate every single syllable: "croc-o-die-llllll." I love how you speak in complete sentences. Whenever you say "yes" or "no" you nod or shake your head accordingly. You know exactly what you want when you want it. You love to give hugs and cuddle. You search for the moon every night, saying, "Where's the moon?" and "There it is!" when you find it.

Your favorite foods are ice cream and spaghetti. You love swimming and jumping and running. You have opinions about what clothes you want to wear. You love shoes and accessories. Yesterday you insisted on going out and picking grapes wearing a baseball cap, sweater, and mittens (they stayed on about 30 seconds).
Happy birthday, sweetheart!


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