The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Daisy is turning into a very social little girl!  She likes people and smiling faces, but if she needs a nap or some food then she is a total mama's girl.  She doesn't cry very much and mostly just fusses until her problem is fixed. 

March 26 -- Daisy is starting to smile and coo.  Ella is convinced that she can talk and her list of words grows longer every day.  We have a genius baby!  She holds her head up really well.  She has always been a great sleeper at night and only wakes up a couple of times, eats, and goes right back to sleep.  She likes to sleep in, too....Werner and Rand would be happy to have another NOT MORNING person in our house.

She fell asleep in the swing for the first time yesterday evening.  Normally she'll sit in it a few minutes and then start to fuss.  I turned it on and didn't realize how fast it was going -- I would've felt sick if someone was swinging me back and forth that quickly -- but apparently she liked being flung across the room!

Rand thinks her "big staring eyes face" is hilarious.  

Ella has her 2nd loose tooth.  She is so cute wiggling it back and forth and she requested m&m's for her candy when it comes out (we do a candy bar instead of money).  


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