The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  Ella wanted to be "Izzy" from a kids' TV show and Rand decided that he wanted to be Dragon Knight, a video game character from a game that he and Werner play together.  Werner was up for the challenge, and they spent a week working on a helmet, sword, and shield.  Both kids were thrilled with their costumes!  We had a fun Halloween party at their school, and on the actual day of Halloween we managed to go to our church's trunk or treat, the Awanas' church's harvest festival, and trick or treating.  

Pumpkin carving!  Rand and Ella drew the faces on their pumpkins and I helped them carve the pieces out.

This is very serious work.

Just in case you need a hint, Ella's is a sad pumpkin ("because it didn't want to be picked"), and Rand's is a surprised pumpkin with a goatee ("like daddy!").


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