The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fair Time

Still super behind -- but we went to the Arizona State Fair back in November and had SUCH a good time. We went on a "free with donation" day so we only stayed for a couple hours but it was free! so that was fine.

Poor Ella was not tall enough for any of the rides, and I knew that there was no way she would want to be held through the glass mazes and things like that. I offered Rand the chance to go do the rides by himself, and I would watch and wait for him, and to my surprise he accepted!

He was so careful and did such a great job of waiting his turn, saying "thank you" to the ticket attendants unprompted, and going down a slide way higher than he had ever gone down. I was probably prouder of him than I should be, but my too-cautious boy is getting pleasantly bolder!

It was a great math lesson for Rand -- I bought 10 tickets, and he chose for himself which things he wanted to go on. It was interesting watching him decide if he wanted to do the really cool 5-ticket ride, or the tamer 2-ticket ride. Everybody decided on a huge ice cream cone for our treat, we watched the extreme rides for a ridiculously long time, and had a very fun outing.


Blogger Jayne said...

He's such a big boy! I remember when he was still teeny!

7:43 PM PST  

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