Funny phrases
We have had the Goodyear blimp flying around our house the last two days. As soon as she hears the motor, Ella yells, "Blister!"
Ella seems to have entered a whole new stage of language development. She's always been good at sentences, but now they are getting very complex and you can actually have a conversation with her. She knows all of the horses at the stable by name and can even tell apart the ones that look a lot alike. Yesterday she said, "That's my friend Bourbon!"
Rand has discovered ravioli and thinks it's the most delicious food ever.
The two favorite albums to listen to are "Les Miserables" and the soundtrack to "O Brother Where Art Thou." It is pretty adorable to hear them sing together.
They both love wearing their cowboy boots. Ella's are hot pink and I'm almost-ashamed-but-too-cheap-to-really-be-ashamed that Rand's are brown girl boots. After searching and searching for decent priced boy boots, I finally hit up Walmart. If I had known that he would love them this much, I would've paid for real cowboy boots. Ah well!
a) At the barn where Jack is, I know the horses names better than the owners.
b) Is the horses' name really "Bourbon"?
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