The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

First Horse Show

Rand and Ella were in their very first horse show last week. All of my other students were participating, so Rand decided that he wanted to ride, and then of course Ella wanted to as well!

We had to leave the house really, really early so by the time 10am rolled around, they were both pretty tired. I had to briefly be the mean beauty pageant mom but once they were on the horses and in the arena they both had a lot of fun. The judge talked to each participant and everyone got a GIANT ribbon and a bag of candy. Ella got lots of compliments because she was just so dang tiny but super confident.

If you ask Ella about her horse show she will proudly tell you that "I ride Bourbon in the horse show!" Since poor Rand is the teacher's kid he got the tallest horse (and one he had never ridden before) but he did a great job at being flexible and still having fun.


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