The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The pumpkin patch!

Last week, Rand, Ella, and I went to the pumpkin patch and we had an awesome time. Lots of photos to follow!
Rand declared almost every pumpkin to be "his favorite" and had a great time running around and picking them up and carrying them around.

Right inside the entrance they had a big tub of baby chicks. Rand was fascinated and even held one!

This was probably the highlight of his night: next to the chicks, they had a grinder where you could grind the food for the chicks. Rand ground so much food that the chicks will probably be fed until Christmas.

They had the three houses of the Three Little Pigs....

...and a big huge box of dried corn kernals to play in. Rand had so much fun in there!

Rand was my trusty guide through a corn maze.

Ella fell asleep. This was my view.

We found some hay bales to climb on and pull apart.

Ella awake again! She's still a little dazed from sleeping.

I tried to get a picture of the two of them, but I couldn't spot Ella and hold the camera far enough away.

Another great game -- the rubber duck race! Rand liked to collect all of the ducks -- he has about six in this picture -- and then have me pump the water so he could follow them down their little lane and plop into a big tub at the other end.


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