The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Monday, November 03, 2008


One of the best presents that Rand got from his birthday was a butterfly kit from his Aunt Katie. He had so much fun watching the caterpillars grow into butterflies! He wanted to check to see if the caterpillars had turned into butterflies multiple times a day. Rand especially liked to have the caterpillar cup sit next to his plate while he ate dinner. Ewwww.

We made butterfly food out of sugar water and dipped flowers into it. Then we put the flowers on the floor of the butterfly house and watched the butterflies eat. Very fun.

Then came the day when it was time to let the butterflies go....Rand had a fun time trying to chase them out of the house, but once he realized they all flew away there were a few tears. He wanted to know if we could chase the butterflies back into their house. He's recovered since then and everytime we see a butterfly outside he asks if it's one of his butterflies. And I always say yes.


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