Another California trip!
We had a lovely visit to California a couple of weeks ago. We drove out on Sunday, and even though we left in the afternoon, still had a pleasant drive.
On Monday we went to Tewinkle Park with some friends for lunch, and drove up to my sister's house in the evening. We had lots of fun seeing Katie and Elijah -- Rand LOVES babies and thought he was just great. He tried to give Elijah lots of hugs and kisses.
We went to the Discovery Science Museum with Grandpa on Tuesday. The kids had so much fun playing and exploring everything. On Wednesday we went to the beach. We saw a dolpin and a pelican and the weather was just perfect. Rand had so much fun playing in the waves. Ella was content to sit in the sand.
We headed up to Ventura on Thursday to visit Grandma McVittie. After a grueling 4-hour drive, we made it in time for lunch at the harbor. Ella was enamored by all of the seagulls, and Grannie bought her her very own stuffed animal seagull at the nature center. They both loved looking at the fish and lobsters in the tank, and Rand got his first Magic School Bus book. We also played at the beach for a while; Rand found a ladybug and was very gentle about letting it crawl on his arm.
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