It's been a long week.
But even so, there are some things that I want to remember about this week:
Rand had his first soccer tots class on Saturday. He was hesitant to participate at first, but had a great time. He always wants to talk to the coach, and his favorite part was when they all got to throw their soccer balls at the coach to practice proper throwing techniques.
Ella thinks the computer is magic portal that can show her whatever pictures she wishes to see: "Horse!" or "Baby!" or "Dog!"
I caught Ella yesterday holding a box of cold cereal and standing next to a Labrador who was tied up in the kitchen. She very seriously would pour out a few pieces, wait for the dog to eat it, and repeat. Very cute. This is why our dogs adore her.
Rand loves to play on the wii. His favorite games are Mario Kart and Lego Star Wars. I have to set a timer otherwise he would play on there all day.
Ella loves loves loves reading books right now. She always wants to sit on your lap, and when the story is over will get up, run over to the bookcase, pick out another book, and then walk backwards to you so she can plop! right down on your lap and read some more. Sometimes she misses when she sits down and tips over.
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