Recently I started asking Rand to pray with me at bedtime. I ask him to think of one thing that he is thankful for, and one thing that he wants to ask God for help with. It's always interesting hearing what he comes up with!
Yesterday he was thankful for his Star Wars wii game and asked God to help make him better at it (although, he added, if he could practice it more he would get better at it on his own).
Tonight he was thankful that we moved to our new house (me too!) and asked God to help heal the scratch on his leg.
Our house is slowly coming along -- the kitchen is still half painted, most of the walls still have scribbles on them from the previous owners, but the wall outside is fixed and I got padlocks on all of the gates, so that's two more things crossed off of my list.
I had twelve dogs staying for boarding this last weekend and business continues to be good. I started my 2nd group class (held at the house) last Saturday and am enjoying all of the work while it is here!
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