The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Ella is the funniest little 4-year-old.  She is such a sweet little girl and I love watching her grow up!

The farrier was here today working on the ponies, and Ella was talking with him and told him that he was using the wrong tool.  I said something about 4-year-olds being experts on everything, and Ella looked at me solemnly and said, "I don't know a lot about turtles.  Or gila monsters."

She is very observant.  Werner was getting drinks for dinner and made me a glass of ice water when Ella said, "Mommy doesn't like ice in her water" -- which is completely true, and something that Werner has never noticed.  She was also the one to spy the Venus Flytrap hiding in our bathroom (Rand's birthday present), which Rand had never noticed.

She likes to give and get lots of kisses and hugs.....sometimes 10 at a time, sometimes 14 at a time, but I do cut her off when she says she needs 100 kisses and hugs before she can go into school.

Her Cubbies assignment for the week was to talk about a praise song.  She said "Baa Baa Black Sheep" and I said "nooooo, not really...." and she said, "yes, it's a praise song, you just have to change the words.  Like baa baa black sheep, have you any wool, yes sir, yes sir, God made us.  Like that."

In the last two days she has wanted to "cook" and make up her own recipes.  She says she has the recipe "in her mind."  They usually involve peanut butter and nutella and sometimes water or raw eggs or sugar or bits of candy.  This morning she made a concoction to dip strawberries in.  I hope that if she ever becomes a famous chef that she will give credit to her mom who let her mix all kinds of crazy things together without complaining about the sugar all over the kitchen floor.


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