The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Ella is 4!


Happy birthday to our FOUR-YEAR-OLD!  Ella is such a sweetheart.  She is starting to become quite a clown like her big brother....right now she delights in walking up to people, making a snorting noise like a pig, and then laughing and laughing at their surprise.  Goofball.  She is very affectionate and loves to cuddle.  She wasn't feel well a few days ago so Werner laid down with her and for an hour she just lapped up the cuddles and attention.

Her favorite books right now are The Big Picture Story Bible and the Lindvall Bible stories.  She loves being read to and loves loves loves to color.  She is taking a ballet/tap class and really looks forward to that every week.  She is an adventerous eater, willing to try almost anything, and when she comes to Sprouts with me she has a lot of fun choosing her own fruit to pick out and bag up.

She loves Nugget and can often be found just sitting with him and petting him, or playing outside with him.  She still loves playing in dirt and making all kinds of recipes consisting of dirt, leaves, rocks, and water.  She is a confident swimmer in her lifejacket and paddles all around the pool. 

She has a great little squeaky voice and is very articulate.  Last week she asked how Jesus could hear our prayers if he was in heaven, and I explained about omnipresence and such, and she looked and me and very patiently said, "BUT MOM. HOW. DOES. JESUS. HEAR. OUR. PRAYERS. IN. HEAVEN?" 

Her "big" presents from us were a music box (with a pearl necklace inside) and a beta fish.  She chose a baby beta fish and has been very good about remembering to feed her fish twice a day.  She was SO SERIOUS opening presents. 

She wanted to go to Chick-Fil-A for dinner and a had great time running between food and the play place. 

We got brownie sundaes to take home so that we could put candles in it and sing happy birthday to her.  It was a hit!


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