Happy Halloween!
Rand and Ella are just the right age for Halloween! We had so much fun this year. We went to Garden Lakes Baptist Church (where we go to Awanas) for their harvest festival. Rand and Ella had so much fun playing all of the little games, eating cotton candy, bouncing in the bounce house, and riding the little barrel train.

After the harvest festival we went to the Wotherspoons neighborhood and went trick-or-treating. Rand first went to the Wotherspoons house, gleefully shouted, "TRICK OR TREAT!!!!" and then was surprised when I said we could keep going. He said, "You mean we can go to peoples' houses that we don't know?!" Ella and Abi held hands and skipped along, and Rand and Isaac karate-kicked their way through the neighborhood. There were a couple of super spooky houses and Rand thought they were so fun and not scary at all (Ella clung to me like a drowning cat so we hung back).
They had a great time sorting their candy afterwards and were just thrilled with their loot.
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