The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Tuesday Ramblings (from last Tuesday because I forgot to hit the publish button)

Ella came padding into our room at 3:30 this morning. She was holding 2 pink binkies, a flashlight, a Lego C-3PO, her teddy bear, and an empty bowl.

Rand's fish, Bluey Swimmy Arthur Girard, died a couple of days ago. Thankfully I suspected this was coming and was able to give him a head's up, so he wasn't too sad. Today we went and got two little goldfish. They would've been a bargain at 29 cents each, but I had to buy new water conditioner and food, so that nixed that.

Ella has had two great days of school in a row, so I think she is getting the hang of it. Yay!

We are getting into a nice routine. I am a much nicer, more patient parent when I have had several hours on my own to get all of my daily to-do's done. I'm making it my goal to have all of my errands and chores done before I pick up the kids from school, which makes it so much easier to have the afternoons/evenings be relaxing, fun, spend-with-the-kids time. We go swimming, or play a game, or go out for a little errand, we have dinner, and read stories, make a craft. I am trying to be very purposeful about spending quality time with them and not wasting the hours that we spend together.


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