The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Fair!

Going to the State Fair has become a really fun tradition for us. We always buy a set number of tickets and the kids can choose which rides they want to go on. They went on this one several times -- they had to climb huge ladders, go through ball pits, slide down a giant slide, and go through several other obstacles. Rand was so sweet and helped Ella out whenever she got stuck. She got scared in the ball pit (she'd never been in one before) and Rand held her hand and walked with her through the whole thing.

We got cotton candy and funnel cakes....mmmmm.

We watched a high school rodeo -- the goat tying and calf roping were especially exciting.

They had a kids play area where they could play in big sandboxes and ride around on these little bikes.
The petting zoo was a huge hit! Rand liked the teeny little potbellied pigs best. I tried to get a picture of Ella petting the big llama but she was too fast. She had no fear at all of that thing!


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