The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Rand has overcome his initial apprehension of karate and is having a good time out there on the floor. Yesterday he was positively chatty.

Everyone was lined up and his teacher said, "Okay, now pay attention." Rand: "I am paying attention!"

While stretching: "Everyone stretch as big as you can." Rand: "I'm stretching REALLY big!"

While doing some blocking moves, Rand said, "Excuse me! We had ants in our house today and mommy vacuumed them up. Do you have a vacuum?" Teacher: "Yes, I do."

A minute later....Rand: "Where is your vacuum?"

At the end of class, the kids were all going to run a relay race. The teacher was lining them up by age and how fast he thought they would be. He picked the first two runners and then asked, "Okay, who's the next fastest?" Rand: "I AM! I'M THE FASTEST! I'M SUPER FAST!!!!!"

Afterwards one of the other moms told me that he was hilarious to watch.


Blogger Jayne said...

Confidence IS key... ;)

2:08 PM PDT  

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