The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Windmill Internets and other things

Some updates from our oh-so-exciting life....

-- Rand has been SO GOOD recently. Like ridiculously wonderful to be around. I took both him and Ella to the DMV yesterday and got an incredible amount of compliments on my well-behaved children. There was a little boy behind us who was having a very hard time and Rand (on his own!) shared his Thomas trains and his craisens. It was so sweet to watch!

-- Ella has an ear infection. Poor sad little girl! She is doing much better but it's made for some long nights this past week.

-- Werner and Rand were at the park the other day when Rand saw a weathervane. He asked Werner what it was called, and Werner completely blanked out. Stalling for time, he asked Rand, "What do you think it is?" Rand thought for a moment and said, very seriously, "I think it's a windmill internet."

-- Rand has cut out his afternoon nap. It makes for a long day for me, but it's so so very nice to have him asleep by 8pm instead of having him lie awake in bed until 10pm.

-- Miss Ella now weighs 15lbs 14oz! No wonder my arms get tired. She is very much a mama's girl but still ever so sweet. We started her on solid foods and so far she is not impressed.

-- Rand got a haircut! He looks so much older now.


Blogger Carla said...

Too old!

6:04 PM PST  

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