The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kisses, Gorillas, and Banging on Walls

Margie has been oh-so-subtlely reminding me that I haven't written about their visit last week. Very true. However, I wanted to include photos, and while we now have an awesome camera (thank you thank you thank mom and dad!), Werner changed something on the computer so all jpgs are all skewed. He says it's an easy fix but we were busy last night so the fixing didn't happen. Anyways! Margie, I promise to write all kinds of wonderful things about your trip. Later.

In the meantime, let me tell you some more cute Rand stories! I whacked my head pretty good the other day and have a couple of neat-o looking cuts on my eyebrow and eyelid. Rand loves kissing it and "make it all better." He's much better at giving kisses now. They're not sloppy at all and he makes a great little kissy noise.

One of Rand's favorite book has consistently been "Goodnight, Gorilla." Right now his goal is to find the banana on every page. He calls them "bananananas" right now. He also likes pointing out the elephant and making an elephant noise, complete with raising his arm to imitate a trunk.

One of the joys of condo living is that occasionally our neighbors can be a leetle noisy. Rand shares a wall with a teenage boy next door who has a penchant for playing music and video games loudly in the middle of the night (okay, like 9pm. We're old and boring now.). When Jose does this, we hit the wall a few times and he turns the volume down. On Tuesday night, while Werner was putting him to bed, Rand asking, "Bang?" and waved his arm like he was banging on the wall. Werner said, "No, not tonight, because it's quiet." Rand understood and went to sleep. Last night Rand asked me the same question, with the same answer. He seemed a little disappointed that there would not be any funny wall-smacking.

I'm wondering if this will be a part of our nightly routine.


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