The Amazing Adventures of Rand and Ella!

Dedicated to keeping family and friends up-to-date on the daily adventures of Rand and Ella.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Rand is Two!

Two big events last week:

Rand turned two! His favorite part of his birthday was blowing out the candles. We re-lit them several times so he could blow them out again. He got a Mr. Potato Head (that he calls his mashed potato) and a Fisher-Price popper. We went to the mall to purchase it and Rand wanted to push it all the way back to the car. We got lots of looks as he popped his way through the mall. Melissa and Bella brought Rand a huge cupcake that was decorated to look like a monster. He loved eating the frosting, but wouldn't touch the eyes.

We went to the Grand Canyon and camped last weekend. It was gorgeous but very, very cold. We still had a really good time and Rand had a blast playing in the dirt and hitting things with sticks. He loved riding on the shuttle bus and said, "Grand Canyon! Big hole!" over and over.

Rand didn't appreciate the cold either. Whenever I had to change his clothes or diaper he would say, "Hurt! hurt!" Nope, baby, that's being cold. The lucky little guy has never really been cold for as long as he could remember. When we woke up the first morning, it was a lovely 40 degrees outside. I got Rand dressed and put him down so I could get ready. He immediately ran to the car, pointed at it, and started wailing, "Go home!" We went out for breakfast that morning.

My apologies for the lack of pictures....our camera decided to up and die a couple of weeks ago. Beautiful timing, huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is pretty funny.

4:44 PM PDT  

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