We had to miss the 4th of July fireworks last night, which was sad. I think Rand would have really liked them. We could hear stuff from our house but couldn't see anything.
Can I ask what it is with little boys and stunts? We got a very cool little trike for Rand from my parents. It has a handle so I can push him, and a little bar that he can put his feet on since he's too small to reach the pedals. The first time he rode it he was an angel. He sat still and had this huge smile on his face. Now every time he climbs on, he wants to be an acrobat! He likes to stand up while I push him (which I don't let him, so he tries to be sneaky and stand up when I'm not looking), ride without holding onto the handlebars, ride it backwards, etc. I sure didn't show him these things!
Rand is a very stereotypical boy in so many ways. He's having a great time wrestling with his Uncle Doug. He thinks burping is hilarious and his favorite things to play with are rocks, mud, and water. He would always rather walk in the dirt than on the sidewalk. He is a total mama's boy and would practically rather die than wash his hair. He would much rather do wheelies in his stroller than be pushed the right way. He never wants to ride in the shopping cart and gets mad if you don't let him help push it. He runs from the moment he wakes up in the morning until he (unhappily) goes to bed at night. But he gives great kisses, and lots of hugs, and says, "I love you mommy" without being prompted. Awwww.
That is really cute about how Rand tries to do those tricks on the trike.
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